
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

internal package Foswiki::Plugins::ClassificationPlugin::Core

core class of which a singleton instance is allocated via Foswiki::Plugins::ClassificationPlugin::getCore()

ClassMethod new() → $core


ObjectMethod finish()

part of the plugin's destruction, ie. finishes delegate objects such as loaded hierarchies

ObjectMethod OP_subsumes($r, $l, $map) → $boolean

implements the DBQUERY operator "subsumes"

ObjectMethod OP_isa($r, $l, $map) → $boolean

implements the DBQUERY operator "isa"

ObjectMethod OP_distance($r, $l, $map) → $integer

implements the DBQUERY operator "distance"

ObjectMethod handleSIMILARTOPICS($session, $params, $topic, $web) → $result

implements the %SIMMILARTOPICS macro

ObjectMethod handleHIERARCHY($session, $params, $topic, $web) → $result

implements the %HIERARCHY macro

ObjectMethod handleISA($session, $params, $topic, $web) → $result

implements the %ISA macro

ObjectMethod handleSUBSUMES($session, $params, $topic, $web) → $result

implements the %SUBSUMES macro

ObjectMethod handleDISTANCE($session, $params, $topic, $web) → $result

implements the %DISTANCE macro

ObjectMethod handleCATINFO($session, $params, $topic, $web) → $result

implements the %CATINFO macro

ObjectMethod handleTAGINFO($session, $params, $topic, $web) → $result

implements the %TAGINFO macro

ObjectMethod beforeSaveHandler($text, $topic, $web, $meta)

reparent based on the category we are in, takes the first category in alphabetic order

ObjectMethod afterSaveHandler($text, $topic, $web, $error, $meta)

handles subscriptions to a category as well as cache purging

ObjectMethod afterRenameHandler($fromWeb, $fromTopic, $fromAttachment, $toWeb, $toTopic, $toAttachment)

maintance steps when a category has been renamed

ObjectMethod getCacheFile($web, $topic) → $filePath

returns the file path the the cache file holding the hierarchy for the given web

ObjectMethod getModificationTime($web, $topic) → $epoch

returns the time a hierarchy cache has been last modified

ObjectMethod getHierarchy($web) → $hierarchy

returns a hierarchy object for a given web; construct a new one if required

see Foswiki::Plugins::ClassificationPlugin::Hierarchy

ObjectMethod getHierarchyFromTopic($web, $topic)

returns the hierarchy object for a given web.topic; construct a new one if required

ObjectMethod getHierarchyFromText($text)

returns a hierarchy object for a given bullet list

ObjectMethod findHierarchy($catName)

get the hierarchy that implements the given category. Note this traverses all webs and loads their hierarchy to see if the category exists in it

ObjectMethod renameTag($from, $to, $web, $topics) → $count

renames a given tag from $from to $to as used in the hierarchy of web $web. The process is constraint to the given list of $topics or applied to all topics in the $web otherwise. Returns the number of touched topics

ObjectMethod getIndexFields($web, $topic, $meta) → $list

returns a list reference of all formfields to be indexed by Solr

ObjectMethod solrIndexTopicHandler($indexer, $doc, $web, $topic, $meta, $text)

hools into the indexing process for a topic

ObjectMethod solrIndexAttachmentHandler($indexer, $doc, $web, $topic, $attacment)

hooks into the indexing process for attachments and adds additional fields as required

ObjectMethod getIconOfTopic($web, $topic)

returns an icon for the given web.topic and adds it to the solr index

ObjectMethod getTopicTypes($web, $topic) → @list

returns a list of topic types for the given web.topic

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