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internal package Foswiki::Plugins::ClassificationPlugin::Hierarchy

a hierarchy is the container for all categories in a web. each web is associated with exactly one hierarchy object. A hierachy is stored persistently on disk and is loaded into memory. it is only reloaded if it changed on disk by another process

ClassMethod new($web, $topic, $text) → $hierarchy


ObjectMethod finish()

does not invalidate this object; it is kept intact to be cached in memory in a mod_perl or speedy-cgi setup; we only store it to disk if we updated it

ObjectMethod purgeCache($mode, $touchedCats)

  • mode = 0 → do nothing
  • mode = 1 → a tagged topic has been saved
  • mode = 2 → a categorized topic has been saved
  • mode = 3 → a classified topic has been saved
  • mode = 4 → a category has been saved
  • mode = 5 → clear all

ObjectMethod init()

initializes all categories of this hierarchy

ObjectMethod initFromTopic()

initializes this hierarchy from its web.topic properties

ObjectMethod initFromText()

initializes this hierarchy from the text of its web.topic

ObjectMethod initFromWeb()

this is the most common way to initialize a hierarchy: by traversing all topics in a web and create categories from topics of type "Category"

ObjectMethod printDistanceMatrix()

debugging method to show the content of the distance matrix as computed by computeDistance()

ObjectMethod computeDistance()

computes the distance between all categories using a Wallace-Kollias algorith for transitive closure. results are cached as part of the hierarchy

ObjectMethod distance($topic1, $topic2) → $integer

This computes the minimum distance between two categories or a topic and a category or between two topics. If a non-category topic is under consideration then all of its categories are measured against each other while computing the overall minimal distances. So simplest case is measuring the distance between two categories; the most general case is computing the min distance between two sets of categories.

ObjectMethod catDistance($cat1, $cat2) → $integer

fast lookup of the distance between two categories

ObjectMethod getSimilarTopics($topicA, $threshold)

Find all topics that are similar to the given one i nthe current web similarity is computed by calculating the weighted matching coefficient (WMC) counting matching tags and categories between two topics. Matching categorization is weighted in a way to matter more, that is two topics correlate more if they are categorized similarly than if they do based on tagging information. This is an rought adhoc model to reflect the intuitive importance in knowledge management of category information versus tagging information. The provided threshold limits the number of topics that are considered similar

ObjectMethod getSimilarTopicsOfTags($tags, $threshold)

ObjectMethod computeSimilarity($params)

ObjectMethod subsumes($cat1, $cat2)

return true if cat1 subsumes cat2 (is an ancestor of)

ObjectMethod getTagsOfTopic($topic)

ObjectMethod getTags()

returns a list reference of all tags in use

ObjectMethod getCategoriesOfTopic($topic) → $list

returns a list reference of all direct categories of a topic

ObjectMethod getCatFields(@topicTypes) → $list

get names of category formfields of a topictype

ObjectMethod getCategories() → @list

returns a list of all category objects in this hierarchy

ObjectMethod getCategoryNames() → @list

returns a list of all category names in this hierarchy

ObjectMethod getCategory($name) → $cat

returns a category object of the given name

See Foswiki::Plugins::ClassificationPlugin::Category

ObjectMethod setCategory($name, $cat)

adds the named category to the hierarchy

ObjectMethod createCategory(...) → $cat

returns a new category object for the given parameters

See Foswiki::Plugins::ClassificationPlugin::Category::new()

ObjectMethod traverse($params) → $results

recursively traverses a hiearchy and formats results. params may hold:

  • top: starting point
  • sort
  • header
  • footer
  • separator
  • nullformat

ObjectMethod getPreferences(@list)

get preferences of a set of categories

ObjectMethod checkAccessPermission($mode, $user, $topic, $order) → $boolean

experimental: check permissions based on category preferences

ObjectMethod collectTopicsOfCategory()

iterates of the hierarchy's web and assigns topics to their category

ObjectMethod filterCategories($params) → @list

returns a list of categories matching the properties in $params as there are:

  • title: regex
  • name: regex
  • casesensitive: boolean

ObjectMethod sortCategories($cats, $crit) → $list

returns a sorted list of categories. $crit can be

  • order: sort by order property of categories
  • name
  • title

ObjectMethod translate($text) → $string

compatibility wrapper for MultiLingualPlugin

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