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Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::QMPlugin
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::QMPlugin::Edge

    implements an Edge in a workflow Net

    an edge is a directed connection between two Nodes part of a Net

    ClassProperty PROPS

    definition of all mandatory properties of an edge

    ClassMethod new() → $core

    constructor for an edge object

    ObjectMethod fromNode()

    get the node on the source end of this edge

    ObjectMethod toNode()

    get the node on the target end of this edge

    ObjectMethod getSignOff() → $float

    get the number of signatures required to transition this edge;

    This can either be a relative value as a percent value between 0 and 1 if the value is preceeded with a percent sign, or a value > 1 representing the absolute number of signatures required.

    ObjectMethod isRelativeSignOff() → $boolean

    returns true of a relative signoff has been specified using a percentage

    ObjectMethod getReviewers() → @reviewers

    returns a list of users that may switch this edge

    ObjectMethod getNotify() → @users

    returns a list of users that have to be notified

    ObjectMethod getEmails() → @emails

    returns the list of email adressess to notify when this edge is transitioned

    ObjectMethod isEnabled($user) → $boolean

    returns true if this edge is enabled, that is:

    1. the "enabled" attribute of the edge evaluates to true (or is undef) and
    2. user is a member of the "allowed" list

    ObjectMethod isTriggerable($user) → $boolean

    returns true if this edge is enabled and triggerable, that is:

    1. the edge is enabled
    2. the "trigger" attribute evaluates to true and
    3. user is a member of the "allowed" list

    ObjectMethod render($format, $params) → $string

    render this edge given the specified format string

    ObjectMethod execute($state)

    execute all commands of this edge

    ObjectMethod asJson($state)

    returns a json object representing this edge

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