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Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::QMPlugin
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::QMPlugin::Net

    implements a workflow network

    A net consists of nodes, edges that connect them and roles that participate in this workflow. A net is constructed on the base of a workflow definition. A net can either be defined in a way only reflecting the typology or have a State assigned to it. The State encodes the location within the network. The state has been reached by having traversed the edges in the net from the start node following outgoing directed edges.

    ClassProperty TRACE

    boolean toggle to enable debugging of this class

    ClassMethod new($web, $topic, $state) → $net

    constructor for a net object; this either returns a net object or undef when parsing of the network definition failed for some reason

    ObjectMethod finish()

    called when this object is destroyed, calls finish() on its parts

    ObjectMethod setState($state) → $state

    assign a state to this network

    ObjectMethod getState() → $state

    get the state assigned to this network

    ObjectMethod getNodes() → @nodes

    get the list of all nodes in this net

    ObjectMethod getNode($id) → $node

    get a node of a specific id

    ObjectMethod getRoles() → @roles

    get the list of all roles in this net

    ObjectMethod getRole($id) → $role

    get a role of a specific id

    ObjectMethod getEdges() → @edges

    get the list of all edges in this net

    ObjectMethod getEdge($from, $action, $to) → $edge

    get a specific edge in this net. The parameters $from, $action and $to specify which edge to return. All parameters are optional and may be specified in different combinations. If more than one edge matches the given parameter will only the first one found be returned.

    ObjectMethod getSortedItems($type, $propName) → @items

    get the list of all items of type $type (nodes, roles, edges) sorted by the given property Name

    ObjectMethod getSortedRoles($propName) → @roles

    get the list of all roles sorted a given property name

    ObjectMethod getSortedNodes($propName) → @nodes

    get the list of all nodes sorted by a given property name

    ObjectMethod getSortedEdges($propName) → @edges

    get the list of all edges sorted by a given property name

    ObjectMethod getDefinition() → $webtopic

    get the webtopic path of the network definition

    ObjectMethod getMeta() → $meta

    get the Foswiki::Meta object of the current net

    ObjectMethod getNotificationTemplate() → $templateName

    get the name of the template for workflow notification emails

    ObjectMethod getReminderTemplate() → $string

    get the name of the template for workflow reminders

    ObjectMethod parseTableDefinition() → $boolean

    parse the definition for this net stored in TML tables. this is called by the constructor right away; returns true when parsing was successfull. There is a certain amount of compatibility with WorkflowPlugin in that workflow definitions written for it may be used in QMPlugin as well.

    WorkflowPlugin format


    State Allow Edit Allow View Message


    State Action Next State Allowed Form Notify

    QMPlugin format

    Roles table

    ID Members Notify

    Nodes table

    ID Title Allow Edit Allow View Allow Approve Message

    Edges table

    From Action To Allowed Enabled Notify Command Sign Off

    ObjectMethod getUnknownNode() → $node

    get the "unknown" node; it is a system node not part of the net

    ObjectMethod getDefaultNode() → $node

    get the default node; this is the first node in the node definition list

    ObjectMethod getApprovalNodes() → $list

    get all nodes marked as approval nodes in this net; this is the one node that has got an asterisk (*) assigned to it or has got the ID QMPLUGIN_APPROVAL (defaults to approved)

    ObjectMethod getAdminRole() → $role

    get the admin role of this net; this is the one role that has got an asterisk (*) assigned to it, or has got the ID QMPLUGIN_ADMIN (defaults to Admin)

    ObjectMethod isAdmin($user)

    returns true if the given user is member of the admin role

    ObjectMethod stringify() → $string

    returns a string representation of this object

    ObjectMethod getDot($params) → $tml

    returns a TML expression to render the graphviz dot graph

    ObjectMethod getVis($params) → $tml

    returns a TML expression to render the Vis.js graph

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