
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::QMPlugin
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::QMPlugin::Node

    implements a Node in a workflow Net

    Nodes in a net are connected by Edges

    ClassProperty PROPS

    definition of all mandatory properties of a node

    ClassMethod new() → $core

    constructor for a node object

    ObjectMethod finish()

    called when this object is destroyed

    ObjectMethod addIncomingEdge($edge)

    register an incoming edge for this node

    ObjectMethod addOutgoingEdge($edge)

    register an outgoing edge from this node

    ObjectMethod getOutgoingEdges() → @edges

    get the list of outgoing edges from this node

    ObjectMethod getIncomingEdges() → @edges

    get the list of incoming edges to this node

    ObjectMethod isApprovalNode → $boolean

    returns true if this is an approval node

    ObjectMethod getNextNodes() → @nodes

    get the list of nodes of outging edges from this node

    ObjectMethod getPreviousNodes() → @nodes

    get the list of nodes of incoming edges to this node

    ObjectMethod getACL($type) → @list

    get the access control list to control the given type of action

    ObjectMethod hasViewAccess($user) → $boolean

    returns true when the given user has got view access to this node

    ObjectMethod hasEditAccess($user) → $boolean

    returns true when the given user has got edit access to this node

    ObjectMethod render($format, $params) → $string

    render this node given the specified format string params is a hash reference with default values for properties not defined

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