
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
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Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::QMPlugin
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::QMPlugin::Utils is a Exporter

    This package exports a few operations on topics and attachments to ease copying, moving and trashing them with ease. All functions operate on Foswiki::Meta objects.

    StaticMethod trashTopic($meta)

    moves a topic object to the trash web. see also Foswiki::UI::Rename

    StaticMethod trashAttachments($meta)

    moves all attachments of a topic objects to the trash. see also Foswiki::UI::Rename

    StaticMethod trashAttachment($from, $attachment)

    move a single attachment to the trash

    StaticMethod copyAttachments($from, $to)

    moves all attachments from one topic to another.

    StaticMethod copyAttachment($from, $attachment, $to)

    move a single attachment from one topic to another.

    StaticMethod copyTopic($from, $to)

    copies the one topic to another. Note that this function only copies over the top revision of the source topic, not the entire history. It thereby creates a new revision at the target topic. Attachments are copied over as well. However attachments that don't exist at the source topic anymore are removed from the target topic.

    StaticMethod moveTopic($from, $to)

    this function copies the source topic to the target and then deletes the source topic afterwards.

    StaticMethod renameTopic($from, $to)

    rename/moves topic from one location to another. Note that $to can either be a Foswiki::Meta object or a topic name

    ObjectMethod expandAUTOINC($web, $topic) → $topic

    from Foswiki::Meta

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