Directed Graph Plugin Examples
HowtoDirectedGraphs has a basic howto on creating directed graphs using dot.
The below examples show some of the capabilities of the
Cole's example
You type:
<dot >
digraph G {
subgraph cluster_c0 {a0 -> a1 -> a2 -> a3}
subgraph cluster_c1 {
b0 -> b1 -> b2 -> b3;
label="Group B";
x -> a0 [style=dotted];
x -> b0;
a1 -> a3 [style=bold, label="a1 to a3"];
a3 -> a0;
a0 [shape=box, fontname=Courier, fontsize=11];
a1 [color=red];
a3 [label="Label\nfor a3"];
label="Cole's Example";
You get: (simulated)
You get: (if installed)
Clientside imagemap (clickable nodes and edges)
You type:
<dot map="1" size="auto" antialias="on">
digraph G {
Plugins [URL=""];
DirectedGraphPlugin [URL=""];
Plugins -> DirectedGraphPlugin;
You get: (simulated)
You get: (if installed)
You get: (simulated, antialiasing on)
You get: (if installed, antialiasing on)
DirectedGraph Error (1): Processing .convert -density %DENSITY|N% -geometry %GEOMETRY|S% %INFILE|F% %OUTFILE|F%
01: digraph G {
02: URL="";
03: Plugins [URL=""];
04: DirectedGraphPlugin [URL=""];
05: Plugins → DirectedGraphPlugin;
06: }
Usecase description / state diagram
To view the
input for this example, click the
link located below the diagram.
You get: (simulated)
You get: (if installed)
DirectedGraph Error (1): Processing .convert -density %DENSITY|N% -geometry %GEOMETRY|S% %INFILE|F% %OUTFILE|F%
01: digraph G {
02: size="9";
03: graph [rankdir="TB" label="1st Time Use/Phone Registration" fontsize=12 bgcolor="#eeeeff"];
04: node [shape=box fontsize=9];
05: edge [color=blue fontsize=8 font="Arial"];
07: cell_number_entry [label="Cell Number Entry"];
08: welcome [label="Welcome Page"];
09: member_name_creation [label="Member Name Creation"];
10: password_creation [label="Password Creation"];
11: member_name_unavailable [label="Member Name Unavailable"];
12: email_entry [label="Email Entry"];
13: zip_code_entry [label="Zip Code Entry"];
14: tos [label="TOS"];
15: decline_confirmation [label="Decline Confirmation"];
16: registration_confirmation [label="Registration Confirmation"];
17: member_name_entry [label="Member Name Entry"];
18: password_entry [label="Password Entry"];
19: confirm_phone_number [label="Confirm Phone Number"];
20: unsuccessfull_sign_in [label="Unsuccessfull Sign In"];
21: email_confirmation [label="Email Confirmation"];
22: main_menu [label="Main Menu"];
23: initial_screen [label="Initial Screen"];
24: exit_application [label="Exit the Application"];
26: welcome → initial_screen [label="First Time"]
27: initial_screen → member_name_creation [label="Register"];
28: initial_screen → member_name_entry [label="Sign In"];
29: member_name_creation → password_creation [label="Valid Member Name" dir="both"];
30: member_name_creation → member_name_unavailable [label="Invalid Member Name" dir="both"];
31: welcome → password_creation;
32: password_creation → cell_number_entry [dir="both"];
33: member_name_entry → password_entry [dir="both"];
34: cell_number_entry → email_entry [dir="both"];
35: password_entry → confirm_phone_number [label="Auth. Successful" dir="both"];
36: password_entry → unsuccessfull_sign_in [label="Auth. Unsuccessful"];
37: email_entry → zip_code_entry [dir="both"];
38: zip_code_entry → tos [dir="both"];
39: confirm_phone_number → main_menu;
40: unsuccessfull_sign_in → member_name_entry [label="Try Again" constraint="false"];
41: unsuccessfull_sign_in → email_confirmation;
42: tos → decline_confirmation [label="Decline" dir="both"];
43: tos → registration_confirmation [label="Accept"];
44: decline_confirmation → exit_application [label="Yes"];
45: registration_confirmation → main_menu [label="10 Sec/NEXT"];
46: }
Component architecture (inline SVG)
This is a typical example of a component architecture drawing (This kind of graph is also easy to do in
Foswiki:Extensions.JHotDrawPlugin if you like the look but you prefer to draw it manually using your mouse).
Click the
link located below the diagram to view the input. Note that this example is an inline
with fallback to
You get: (simulated)
You get: (if installed)
[dot] [png]
Simple LAN setup (custom icons / shapefiles)
This type of graph can also easily be extended, for instance making network nodes clickable, pointing to asset databases or similar.
Click the
link below the diagram to view the input.
You get: (simulated)
You get: (if installed)
You get: (if installed, antialiased)
DirectedGraph Error (1): Processing .convert -density %DENSITY|N% -geometry %GEOMETRY|S% %INFILE|F% %OUTFILE|F%
01: digraph G { size="2,3!"; dpi="100";
02: edge [arrowhead=none color=blue];
03: node [fontcolor=blue color=white];
05: Workstation [shapefile="Sun_Workstation.jpg"];
06: Printer [shapefile="Printer.jpg"];
07: Internet [shapefile="Cloud-Filled.jpg"];
08: Router [shapefile="Wireless_Router.jpg"];
09: Switch [shapefile="Workgroup_Switch.jpg"];
10: Laptop [shapefile="Laptop.jpg"];
12: Workstation → Switch;
13: Printer → Switch;
14: Switch → Router;
15: Router → Internet;
16: Laptop → Router [style=dotted];
17: }
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